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Lucio Marinelli
Lucio Marinelli
Associate Professor of Neurology
Department of Neuroscience, rehabilitation, ophthalmology, genetics, maternal and child health
University of Genova
Education and Career
Publications and editorial activity
Author of 143 peer-reviewed in extenso articles published on international PubMed or Scopus indexed journals (38 as first or last author, 96 as co-author, 9 as group collaborator). The full text of same articles can be downloaded directly from this website (green open access). By clicking on the [DOI] link you will see the article on the publisher's website. [show the manuscripts]
Editor for Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Neurology - Movement Disorders, Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy and Medicina (MDPI).
My activity as editor and reviewer is reported on Web of Science (formerly Publons profile).
Google Scholar shows some bibliometric information on articles and some abstracts.
This is my Orcid ID.
Clinical activity
Electromyography, nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials, EEG interpretation, intraoperative monitoring, botulinum toxin treatment and nerve blocks at the Neurophysiology Unit - San Martino Hospital, Genova.
Teaching activity
Teaching neurology, neurophysiology and medical informatics at University of Genova: see the updated profile.
Software and web pages developement using raw HTML 5, PHP and MySQL
Favourite software
I suggest not to use the web browser Google Chrome, have a look at this comic: Contra Chrome.
My blog is Medicine, Freedom, Knowledge.
You can follow me on Mastodon but you will not find me on Facebook or other social networks.
Please contact me writing to lucio dot marinelli at unige dot it